A Cool Three-Level House Design For Small Lot

Blessed with a roomy lot, humankind be likely to make one level house. While others, who own minute bunch like better to make a multi-level house. Commonly, there are two or there levels of house designs to make within a minute lot. However, it can exist extra levels when extended when the heart is excellent at each level also each level has a function.

This is the facade of the house that gives us glimpses of interior design. A dark staircase directly leads us to go to the following level where the living volume also cookhouse located. That is the main region of this house which designed with unclosed layout concept.

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The living volume done with dark couch also chairs also beams made of wood table. It has an region rug with stripped color that gives cheerful touch. A great abstract art hung on top of the living office adds creative value. There is an orange cover that brings a touch of ginger hue.

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At the identical level, there is a family office with dark couch also round made of wood table. In start of this a volume appropriate to cooking with cookhouse island. Moreover, we can see a glimpse of dining office too.

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Here it is a closer view from the cookhouse with the mix of pale also crimson wood canbinet. It is completed with two pendants that perfectly attractive this area. Look at the marble tile backsplash that appears elegant with pale countertop.

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Then, this is the dining region with made of wood rectangular bench also chairs. A large cube with made of wood cover and adds elegant touch. There pictures with dissimilar size come when great wall accents.

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This is the staircase that leads us to the upper level also to the other end of level. Made of wood also dark steel, the stairs and adds with dark rug to experience wonderful stepping. The made of wood flooring ia great choice to attain warmer feeling.

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Stepping to the upper level, it filled with a bedroom. It has glass windows that allow us to see attractive views outside. Two orange chairs worn appropriate to perusal nook or other things when you like. A large painting on top of the headboard is nice.

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The bathroom is done with made of wood walls also floor. It has a pale bathtub also coupled sink. A large rectangular mirror reflects the light to attain brighter look. The fall office enclosed with glass that looked elegant.

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The to the other end of level is appropriate to enjoyable space. Look at this bilyard bench with three pendants on top of it that fun also cool. The glass windows perform plenty of logical light when well. Isn’t it awesome?